
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Best of Charleston

The Artist Market loves Charleston City Paper. They never fail to promote our event, the artists, the Music Farm shows, the food truck scene ... basically everything that is local and awesome. When I first moved here (5 years ago), City Paper was my go to resource for getting to know local restaurants, venues, and events. 

So I always make sure to vote in their Best of. This is your chance to recognize your favorite bars, restaurants, actors, musicians, events, shops, and more. And being that the Artist Market is one of my favorite events in town, I was looking for a category that fits us. Party of the Year? It's fun, but not really a party. Best outdoor event? Not outside. Shopping center? We're not the mall  ... but I finally settled on:

Gift Store

I buy so many presents at the LAM, it made sense to me. If you'd like to support the LAM in Charleston City Paper's Best of, click the image below. Name all your Charleston favorites!

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